Given that we need to wait approximately a month for a new visa to be issued, we were given the option to propose a temporary mission assignment somewhere in the USA. So we reached out to John Quereto, a former member of the my home stake (Danville CA). He and his wife Cory are serving as mission leaders of the Washington Kennewick Mission. He responded right away that he would love to have us!

MTC Trailing Photo
We loved meeting up with Annie and her partner Sav (short for Savanah) a couple times. One evening after a nice dinner we played foos ball and board games. Then Annie and I played a several very competitive games of ping pong. She's REALLY good! Haven't had so much fun playing a competitive sport in a long time.
The photo above is the lobby of the MTC.

Another MTC Photo
Introducing Elder Turk, the very first single man to serve as a Senior Missionary for the Church. (Church policy changed in November - previously single women could serve as a Senior Missionary, but not single men.)
Interestingly, Elder Turk's son served a mission in Recife Brazil with my brother Keith. This is just one of the many "small world" experiences we had in the MTC.

Final MTC Photo
On our last day in the MTC, we had lunch with my dear friend and former missionary companion in Brazil, Terryl Givens. Terryl is a Senior Research Fellow at the Maxwell Institute at BYU. We love Terryl and his wife Fiona! I especially appreciate the expansive gospel perspectives they explore in their research and writing.

Assignment in Washington
President and Sister Quereto asked us to serve in Dayton, as small ward in Southeast Washington State near Walla Walla. This town of 3000 is really lovely. Nestled in the foothills o the Blue Mountains, it has over 90 buildings on the Historic Register.

Upon arrival in Washington, our dear friends, Kevin and Gwen Adamson, picked us up at the Pasco Airport. We spent a lovely evening with them. The next morning, they lent us one of their cars for us to use for the duration of our stay here. Such deep friendship is priceless!

On Sat Feb 22, we drove from Dayton to Connell to attend the funeral of Lisa Knight. I grew up in Connell, and the Knight family farm was only a couple miles away from ours. Pictured above is the oldest of Lisa's 11 brothers and sisters - Jeri. I was glad to be able to mourn with them and was inspired as they celebrated a life well lived, full of live and love. So it was a sad/happy day for me - sad for Lisa's family who will miss her tremendously, but happy to be with the wonderful Knight family and other dear old friends from Connell.

Palouse Falls
On the way back to Dayton from Connell, we took a slight detour to see Palouse Falls. It's located in gorgeous countryside, formed by lava flows and glaciers during the ice ages. As a child, I didn't appreciate the beauty of the topography - but now I am just in awe as I drive through the Palouse region.

Ward Activity
We attended our first Dayton Ward activity - a pinewood derby! There were about a dozen cars entered, and everyone enjoyed the friendly competition. We enjoyed meeting lots of people, including this lovely 8 year old who decorated a chalk board with such an open and generous heart.

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Well,sounds like you are off to a very full and busy mission. Best wishes. Jean
Glad you are able to serve in Dayton Washington. Happy mission week. Peace and prayers 🙏. Love Linda
What a great start! Thanks for sharing, looking forward to many more...
I’m so glad you are doing this blog! I look forward to reading about what you and Chris are doing!
I am loving this blog! Every minute seems so inspired. Fun with Annie and Sav, meeting the 1st single senior missionary man, reaching out to President Quereto to go to Washington!!!! Being there to attend the funeral of old family friends. What blessings are being poured out. This is so wonderful😍
Élder e Sister Longhurst, Kara just told me the best news ever - YOU’RE GOING TO MY MISSION IN PORTUGAL! :) :) :)
Never, (way) back in the day on the 33rd floor in Seattle, never did I imagine you’d serve with my very own Portuguese people! I’m so excited for you both, you’re in for a wonderful adventure among the most loving, generous, selfless and wonderful people you’ll ever know♥️
I’d love to support you in any way I can, and do happen to have a splendid 2-pg. language proficiency shortcut I can share, just email me if you’re interested. Que Giro meu amigo e que benção será!
Com Amor,
P.S. agora pode ser “Vitor”, algumas não conseguiam “Bitner” lá e afinal fiquei Élder Vitor :)
P.P.S. So happy to see Rod Fuhriman’s comment & know you’re friends.I had wondered, we were freshman dormmates the year he met Kris & has remained a good friend.
P.P.P.S. :) Se o Portugal está como era em minha epics, é melhor estar preparado servir 2-4 meses lá no Palouse. A cultura lá chamava-se “paciência”, e as coisas podem levar mais tempo que foi prometido. Também umas pessoas são capázem esperar “grexo” (“grease”, i.e. a bribe). Just be prepared either way, if it does take longer there’s probably a reason you need to be where you are a little longer..