Farewell Talks and Open House

Published on 15 February 2025 at 18:53


Sunday, Feb 11, 2025 was as special day for us.  

Setting Apart:  Immediately prior to our church meetings, we were  set apart (special blessing prior to our missionary service) by our Stake President, Timothy Richards.  The blessings we received were uplifting and insprirational - and we believe will give us an extra measure of God's spirit for our service.  We were very happy that our daughter Rachel, son-in-law Brad, and their children were present for this special blessing.

Farewell talks:  Chris shared her conversion stories and how much she admired the missionaries that taught her family when she was a teen.  She also mentioned that she and I have planned for many years to serve.  Not only are we excited to share our love of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but we also look forward to working together and growing closer in the process.  She shared a powerful testimony.

I shared that my mission in Brazil as a young man was life changing and is one of the key foundational building blocks of all the good that has followed in my life.  I then shared how my recent interfaith service has enriched my discipleship and prepared to me to be a better missionary.  

It was wonderful to look out over the audience and see so many people that we love dearly, including family, neighbors, ward members, friends from across our stake, and friends from the interfaith community.

Open House

In the afternoon, we had a wonderful open house.  We so appreciate the work of Krissie and Gloria, who organized the food and flowers/entry sign for the event.  

We were thrilled to be able to speak with many, many friends, all of whom wished us well.  Some of Chris' seminary students and some of my interfaith friends are shown below. 

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